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August 2021 Newsletter

ICF North Texas | Published on 8/2/2021

Important Dates

Aug 12: SE Region Webinar 12:00 - 1:30 PM CT

Aug 13: Virtual Mo. Meeting/Program 11:15A - 1:15P CT

Aug 13: Virtual Chapter Workshop 2:00 - 4:00 PM CT

Sept 9: SE Region Webinar 12:00 - 1:30 PM CT

Sept 10: Celebrate Coaching  8:30 AM to Noon CT

New Members and New Credentials

Welcome to Our New Members:

Guadalupe (Lupe) Prado, ACC
Maria Ulrika (Ulrika) Nilsson

Congratulations on New Credentials:

Jill Perrin, PCC

    Board Member Message

Read the Board Message 

Monthly Events

August 12 Southeast Region Webinar
Mini Habits: A Small Tool for Big Success
James Garrett

12:00 – 1:30 PM CT
Webinar Cost: ICF Global Members – $10 / Non-ICF Global Members – $20

James Garrett is a brain coach, brainhacker, and founder of Brain by Design. He’s spoken on stages ranging from Harvard to TEDx and his work has been featured by The New York Times, FastCompany, and Harvard Business Review. He spent years doing research with some of the best psychologists in the world at Columbia, Tufts, and Yale. He's a content creator and course builder and his course on the science of coaching has been rated as one of the best courses for coaches and is currently certified by ICF for continuing coach education credits. He's a certified coach through the Whole Fit coaching program. A rare combination of scientist, trainer, and entrepreneur, in 2019 James launched the Deep Change Project, a personal journey to discover what’s possible at the outer edges of neuroplasticity and to overcome fear.

Habits are our brain's go to tool to tackle almost any goal or task, which is why helping your clients get in the driver’s seat of their habit-making machinery can be a game changer. Just like learning how to play the piano, learning how to form positive habits is a skill set. Attendees will learn concrete strategies and habit-building systems that will de-mystify why habit-building and behavior change are so hard, and how you can help your client overcome their internal obstacles.

CCEUs for this Webinar: 1 Core Competency and 0.5 Resource Development Credits

Read the entire webinar description and register here:

August 12 Southeast Region Webinar

August 13 Virtual Chapter Meeting and Program
The Six Figure Coach: the Fast Path to More Clients, Profit, and Impact
Krista Martin, PCC

11:15 AM – 1:15 PM
Virtual Meeting / Program Fee: Chapter Members: $10 / Non-Chapter Members: $20

Krista Martin, MBA, CPCC, PCC, is the President and Founder of Make Your Mark. As a sought-after Business Growth Strategist and Coach, she teaches coaches how to consistently attract clients, make more money, and create a bigger impact. She's the founder of the Six Figure Impact Academy and takes a stand for helping her clients build thriving six (or multi six) figure businesses. The reach, impact, and personal transformation her clients achieve through the process is what makes this level of success so important.

There are so many things to learn as you build your coaching business and it's easy to feel overwhelmed. Instead of feeling that way, you're invited to join us to earn the fastest way to build your coaching practice. You'll also see the opportunities to create your breakthrough to your next level of income and impact. Ready for some more great news? The formula you'll discover in this will not require fancy funnels or complicated technology. You can apply it to your business regardless of where you are on your business building adventure.

CCEUS for this Program: 1 Resource Development Credit

Read the entire program description and register here:

August 13 Virtual Chapter Meeting and Program

August 13 Virtual Chapter Workshop
Scalable Flagship Coaching Programs
Krista Martin, PCC

2:00 – 4:00 PM CT
Virtual Workshop Fee: $69

Join us after the Program as Krista shows us how to leverage the power of a scalable flagship coaching program. We’ve invested a lot of time looking back, digging into the exact elements that allowed us (well, it was just me back then) to grow so quickly to leap from $40k to over $220k in less than 12 months. Those same elements are what have allowed us to grow rapidly every year since. Do you want to know what those key elements are? The most important of them all is leveraging the power of a scalable flagship coaching program. We created a rinse and repeat offering that generated real—and consistent—results for our clients, was fun to deliver, and created recurring income for the business.

By the end of our time together, you’ll have a real, structured Scalable Flagship Coaching Program that you can implement right away and welcome loads of new, ideal clients into your program all at once (and over and over again). This one strategy alone has the potential to provide the cash flow you need to take your business to the next level, such as building your team, investing in marketing, delegating everything that’s not in your zone of genius, and so much more.

CCEUs for this Workshop: 2 Resource Development Credits

Read the entire workshop description and register here:

August 13 Virtual Chapter Workshop 

      Chapter News


Celebrate Coaching 2021 - Save the Date!

Friday, September 10
8:30 AM – 12:00 PM CT

Registration Coming Soon

Let’s get ready to reinforce why coaching is so valuable for your clients and prospects! Celebrate Coaching educates your clients and the North Texas community and beyond about the immense value of your coaching.

This year, we will meet virtually again to allow you to enjoy:
  • Two fantastic, globally known authors and speakers—Marcia Reynolds, PhD, MCC, and  Richard Boyatzis, PhD
  • Participating from wherever you are on September 10
Please watch for your chance to register soon and to line up your guests to attend—and for sponsorship opportunities also coming soon.

This month, we are highlighting Richard Boyatzis. To read about Marcia Reynolds, MCC, please see July’s newsletter.

Richard Boyatzis, PhD, and distinguished Case Western Reserve University Professor, uses his well-established Intentional Change Theory (ICT) and complexity theory to research how people and organizations engage in sustainable, desired change. The theory actually predicts how changes occur in different groups of human organizations, including team, community, country and global change. At our Celebrate Coaching event this year, Richard will guide us to deeply absorb (and to show our guests) how coaching with compassion opens people up to thinking creatively and helps them to learn and grow in meaningful and sustainable ways.

Everyone who attends will learn that contrary to popular belief, the way to help someone learn and change cannot be focused primarily on fixing problems (which often puts a person on the defense and less open to new ideas). Instead, it must connect to that person's positive vision of themselves or an inspiring dream or goal they've long held. Richard Boyatzis knows this is what great coaches do—help people draw energy from their visions and dreams, and to use that same energy to sustain their efforts to change, even through difficult times.

Boyatzis is a frequent speaker on the international circuit, having delivered speeches and seminars on all seven continents and over 35 countries. He has consulted with many Fortune 500 companies, government agencies and organizations in the Americas, Europe and Asia on various topics including executive and management development, organization structure, culture change, R&D productivity, economic development, selection, promotion, performance appraisal and career planning. His Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), Inspiring Leadership Through Emotional Intelligence, has over 1 million students enrolled through Coursera from over 215 countries.

Boyatzis has a PhD and MA in Social Psychology from Harvard University and a BS in Aeronautics and Astronautics from MIT. Boyatzis is the author of more than 200 articles and nine books about leadership, connection, sustainable effectiveness and helping people change. Richard has many awards, including a Lifetime Achievement Award for Contributions to Leadership Coaching, Coaching at Work received in 2020. Dr. Boyatzis talks about what brain science is teaching us about leadership here.

* * * * *
Would you like to be part of ongoing research?

Current Research Agenda: How do People individually and in social groups from dyads to teams to organizations to communities to countries change, learn and grow throughout their lives and careers? Neuroscience of coaching.

Richard Boyatzis welcomes coaches who are willing to participate in a Case-Western Reserve University study with him. To begin, you would ask three to five peers to evaluate your behavior through a 45-minute Qualtrics survey. Then as you begin new coaching assignments, your new clients would provide 20 minutes of survey data now and in a year to help the field assess coaching impact. If you are interested, please send your name and contact information to

Call for Nominations: 2022 Board of Directors

An important role of the President-Elect position is formation of a Nominating Committee to identify candidates for the ICF North Texas board the following year. Tim Kincaid, 2021 President-Elect, formed the 2022 Board Nominating Committee of Susan Shapiro, Steve Coxsey and Ken Jenkins.

The four open 2022 board positions are President-Elect, Director of Membership, Director of Alliances and Partnerships, and Director of Communications. Eligible candidates for President-Elect must have served for at least one year as a Director on the ICF North Texas board. For Director positions, our chapter’s strong preference is for candidates to have prior experience as a chapter volunteer and a chapter committee member.

Any member in good standing who wants to be considered for an open board role, or wants to suggest another member for an open board role, should contact Tim at by September 10.

Member Snapshot: Ben Dilla

In our continuing journey to share information about our ICF North Texas Chapter Members, we are pleased to introduce Ben Dilla. Ben co-authored a book in 2021, Your Best Self at Work: Aligning Strengths, Emotional Intelligence, and Resilience, alongside Dr. Joel B. Bennett, President of Organizational Wellness and Learning Systems. This book is for new managers or anyone who wants to improve their leadership, influence, and resilience. We are excited to share how Ben got to this place in his journey and to highlight this wonderful member of ICF-NT.

Background & Role Today:
After serving in the U.S. Air Force as a Behavioral Scientist and earning degrees in Behavioral Sciences and Leadership from the U.S. Air Force Academy as well as an M.S. and Ph.D. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from Purdue University, Ben Dilla began work in the corporate world. He explained, “I started as a consultant doing executive and mid-level manager assessments with PDI (now Korn Ferry). Quickly learning how much I loved the interpersonal dynamic of working one-on-one with bright, motivated people to address their challenges and pursue new opportunities, I wanted to develop myself to serve them better. I have also had the opportunity to teach along the way. My company (BLD LLC) Bold Leader Development offers leadership coaching for technical professionals who want a new role, who are beginning a new leadership role, or are shifting to a new career.”

Training and Continuous Learning
  • Individual Coaching for Excellence (ICE) with Dr. David B. Peterson at PDI
  • Gallup’s Accelerated Strengths Coach Training
  • Coach Certification Program with Coach Academy International
  • International Coaching Federation—Associate Certified Coach (ACC)
  • Board Certified Coach (BCC) with Business/Leadership emphasis through Center for Credentialing and Education (CCE)
  • School of Coaching Mastery, 32 hours on the Neuroscience of Coaching
  • 3 Vital Questions (3VQ) Coaching, based on the book 3 Vital Questions: Transforming Workplace Drama by David Emerald
  • Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching (SCC)Certified in multiple Assessments including: Gallup CliftonStrengths, DISC, Emotional Intelligence 2.0, M-CODE, Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Styles Inventory, Myers-Briggs and Hogan Personality Inventory
Volunteering: I have been a pro bono coach at the Texas Women’s Conference for the past three years and for NTFB for the past two years, both opportunities thanks to my connection through ICF North Texas.

Cool Thing About Coaching: I recently had a former client reach back out to me after 12 years. When we were first working together, he had become responsible for development of a major technology with several patents. Through the years, our work together paid off and he managed a great deal as this technology became a global offering. This client now wants to re-engage in coaching as he considers options for the next season of life beyond the corporate world. It was a delight to pick up the conversation where we had left off years ago. It certainly shows just how meaningful our work is, being able to reconnect with people in the most important topics and seasons of their lives, and I am really looking forward to supporting him in his latest transition.

Why Are You a Member? "Having professional relationships with other coaches, continual learning at every meeting, and the opportunity to give back to our community. I have made fantastic connections to some of the top coaches in the country here at ICF North Texas, including in my training with Mina Brown (and her continued influence in the PCC LINC group). I have also thoroughly enjoyed teaching alongside Jude Olson at University of Dallas.:


Get Involved

Our organization depends on our volunteers. We appreciate all you do to keep us such a vibrant ICF chapter!

Please reach out to Jane Koenecke if you are able to help with communications such as coordinating emails or writing newsletter articles. Thank you!

Join a LINC

Laugh  Interact  Nurture  Contribute 

Members are welcome to join these new LINC groups:
ACC Prep and Coaching Start-Up
Internal Coaches group
PCC Certification group

If you are interested in learning more about the currently active LINC groups, contact Laurie Goetz for more information

       Global News



Are you ready to grow, learn, expand, lead and inspire? Then join the global coaching community for three days of innovative learning and hear from some of the top speakers in the coaching industry. ICF Converge21 is an experience you won't get anywhere else. Register now.

Thanks to Our Volunteers

Thank you to all who made our recent Board retreat such a valuable time, reviewing accomplishments and plans as we pass the midpoint of 2021. ICF North Texas Board Members and Managers—Tyra Bremer, Cheryl Close, Steve Hevesi, Ken Jenkins, Lisa Ong, Dara Rossi, Cherie Silas, Diane Whiting—have been helping us streamline our processes and to push our chapter to keep growing in ways that will keep us providing an excellent experience. We appreciate your ongoing commitment to ICF North Texas stakeholders and the difference you make for professional coaching in and around North Texas! 

Contact Information 


President  Kathleen Klaviter, MSOD, PCC
President-elect  Tim Kincaid, PCC 
Secretary  Natalie Mendez, ACC
Treasurer   Jay Harris, MCC
Past President Kristin Robertson, PCC
Programs   Steve Hendon, PCC
Alliances  Susan Daniel, ACC
Membership   Laurie Goetz, ACC
Communications   Jane Koenecke, ACC
Online Platforms  Teresa Dabney, ACC
Special Events  Sandra Knight, ACC


Our Mission

Our mission is to grow and develop a competent coaching community that drives results for coaches and those they serve. We do this by providing strong credentialed coaches, educational programs, and rich resources for internal and external coaches, and organizations and individuals seeking coaches. 

Our Vision

ICF North Texas will be known as the leading resource for the coaching community and the organizations and individuals it serves by providing:
  • A collaborative network of credentialed coaches
  • Continuing education 
  • Impactful contributions to the coaching profession