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August 2023 Newsletter

ICF North Texas | Published on 8/7/2023

Important Dates

Aug 11 Cultural Competency Program 11:15 AM-1:30 PM CT

Aug 23-26 ICF Converge 2023 in Orlando, Florida

Sept 8 Chapter Celebrate Coaching 2023 Event

Sept 14 Southeast Region Webinar 12:00 - 1:00 PM CT

Dec 6 Holiday Party - Save the Date

New Members and New Credentials

Welcome to Our New Members
Cynthia Brown
Arielle Carrara
Kiki Dallao
Christy Harris
Debby Jewesson
Sigrid Rapp
Gordon Sanders, PCC
Carol Urton

Congratulations on Your New Credentials
Mita Shah Bhagat, PCC
Nicole Bonanno, ACC
Debby Jewesson, PCC
Donna Weber, ACC

       Board Member Message

Read the Board Message 

      Monthly Events

August 11 Virtual Only Chapter Meeting and Program
Cultural Competency in Coaching
Mayme Doumbia, PCC
Laurie Goetz, ACC

11:15 AM – 1:30 PM

This is a Virtual Only Meeting Via Zoom

Virtual Meeting Cost: Chapter Members – $10 / Non-Chapter Members - $20

Check out this video for a personal invitation to join us!

As the Founder and Principal of Xcelsior Coaching and Consulting, Mayme Doumbia, PCC, leads a firm dedicated to supporting individuals and teams in their pursuit of elevating their leadership skills and enhancing organizational effectiveness. Mayme partners with leaders and teams through the process of embracing the unknown, fostering trust, and cultivating strong teams and a positive organizational culture. She provides strategies to help individuals and teams navigate uncertainty, develop cohesive relationships, and create a thriving work environment. Through her coaching and consulting services, Mayme empowers leaders and teams to unlock their full potential and achieve exceptional results.

Laurie Goetz, ACC, works with clients to help them gain insight, define goals, and further their professional development. Her financial services industry experience in corporate management and succession planning positions her to effectively provide valuable insight and feedback. Her clients report increased confidence, a broader perspective, and more thinking agility in developing themselves and their teams.
No matter who you coach, cultural awareness matters. Coaching is evolving quickly, embracing cultural awareness and differences more than ever. Are you ready? ICF is committed to creating a more just and equitable world for coaches and coaching clients. This DEIB cultural training is a way to build and strengthen your coaching practice, deepen your personal awareness of the differences and implicit biases we all have, and to comfortably serve diverse clients. During this interactive and engaging virtual training you will learn the six stages of cultural competency; the differences between cultural knowledge, awareness, and sensitivity; and how to define intercultural communication. It demonstrates the importance for coaches of cultural competence.

CCEUs for this Program: 1.5 Core Competency and 0.5 Resource Development

Read the entire program description and register here:
August 11 Cultural Competency in Coaching

      Chapter News


September 8 Celebrate Coaching Event

8:30 AM – 12:00 PM CT

In Person at Las Colinas Country Club
4400 N O’Connor Road
Irving, TX 75061

Or Virtually Via Zoom

Event Cost: In-Person Attendees – $75 / Virtual Attendees – $60

Mark your calendar and save the date for our flagship event of the year: Celebrate Coaching!

Networking and breakfast will start at 8:30 AM, and will be followed by our Keynote presentation and a panel discussion with a panel of guests from UT Southwestern Medical Center.

About Our Speakers:

Debjani Biswas, PCC: How shall we leverage the power of inclusive coaching to bridge chasms in an increasingly divided world? This relevant and powerful question hinges upon two aspects: increasing inclusion while decreasing exclusion. When we layer ICF Core Coaching Competencies into this framework, we have a powerful practical toolkit for professional success and personal wellbeing.

In this year’s Celebrate Coaching keynote, internationally bestselling author and two-time TEDx and popular global speaker, Debjani Biswas, will showcase her original B.R.I.D.G.E. framework so we can Build and Reinforce Inclusion (B.R.I.) while we Destroy the Guardrails of Exclusion (D.G.E.). This is the cornerstone of her fourth book (publication date TBD) on the topic of inclusive leadership. Biswas’ internationally bestselling books include: Miserably Successful No More, #usToo: Bridging the Global Gender Gap and Unleash the Power of Diversity. Her original frameworks are used in 23 countries.

This keynote is in the form of a ‘homecoming’ for Ms. Biswas. She completed her Executive and Career Coaching Certification from the University of Texas at Dallas, is an ICF certified PCC, and has served on the Board of Directors of ICF-North Texas. Ms. Biswas also holds a BS in Chemical Engineering from IIT Madras, an MBA in Marketing from IIM Bangalore, an MS in Organizational Strategy from UT Dallas. She is a certified EQi practitioner.

She has spoken at a veritable Who’s Who of corporations and conferences: Chevron, National Summit for Educational Equity, Texas Instruments, NSELA, Takeda Pharmaceuticals, Ericsson, NCTC, APEGA (Canada) ICF Global (London), UTD, UNH, HMS, and many more. Debjani Biswas’ two TEDx talks: But You Don't Look Like an Engineer! and Common Ground on Gender Bias have each generated over a million views. Biswas is also featured regularly in the media for her expertise in inclusive leadership (Dallas Morning News, ESPN, iHeart Radio, CBS, etc.)
Ms. Biswas was recognized as one of the Top 10 Influential Women Leaders of 2021, and, in 2022 received the USICOC Women Helping Women Award. She has also received the ACT Award for Journalism – Diversity beyond Boundaries – in 2017, and is an NAPW Woman of the Year. Currently the CEO of Coachieve, LLC, Biswas has 20 years of prior executive and corporate experience (Tata Administrative Services, Texas Instruments, and PepsiCo). Coachieve conducts Organizational Audits, and provides Executive Coaching and Consulting Solutions. Ms. Biswas has also coached at multiple organizations including BNSF, HMS, Gainwell, Flowserv and Unilin.

You can find her at or via LinkedIn.

UT Southwestern Medical Center: UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas will provide a panel discussion about their efforts to build an internal coaching program for their faculty physicians.

Faculty physicians working in an academic medical environment are typically drawn to the noble mission of “Educate, Discover, and Heal.” But academic medicine also comes with challenges such as balancing competing professional demands, balancing work and home life, battling burnout, and doing it all for less money than counterparts in private practice.

UT Southwestern Medical Center (UTSW) in Dallas is no stranger to these challenges, yet they see a potential opportunity to contribute to improvement through coaching. Over the past three years, UTSW has been developing an internal coaching program designed as the foundation of a coaching culture.

During this panel discussion, you’ll hear:
  ●  The unique challenges in Academic Medicine that led UTSW to choose coaching as the solution
  ●  The operational details of the UTSW Coach Certificate Program (ICF Level One Accreditation pending)
  ●  How UTSW supports a distributed model of internal coach support
  ●  Where UTSW is deploying their trained internal coaches across the institution, including our Medical School, the School of Health Professions, and elsewhere

About the Panel

Susan Matulevicius, MD, MSCS, FACC, FASE is the Associate Dean of Faculty Wellness in the Office of Faculty Wellness in the Office of Faculty Affairs within the Provost's Office and an Associate Professor in the Department of Internal Medicine at UT Southwestern Medical Center and a member of its Division of Cardiology. She provides the university leadership, advocacy, and education in fostering a culture of wellness within healthcare. Dr. Matulevicius is the visionary and program sponsor behind the UT Southwestern Coach Certificate Program.

Suzanne Farmer, PhD is the Assistant VP of Organizational Development and Training at UT Southwestern where she leads the organizational and leadership development strategy for the Medical School, and its University Hospitals and Clinics. Dr. Farmer is also a member of the inaugural class of UTSW Certified Professional Coaches.

Thomas Dalton, MD is an Associate Professor in the Department of Internal Medicine at UTSW and a member of its Division of Geriatric Medicine. Tom is a UTSW Certified Professional Coach candidate and is the internal champion for coaching within the UTSW Medical School.

Julian Longoria is the program manager within the Office of Faculty Wellness of UTSW and is responsible for all operational aspects of the UTSW Coach Certificate Program.

Mike Caracalas, PCC is the Director of Education for the UTSW Coach Certificate Program.

New LINC group: Ready to Retire—Now, Later, or Never?

Tuesday, August 8
9:00 – 10:00 AM CT
Via Zoom

Register here:
August 8 Ready to Retire LINC Group

All chapter members are invited to join a new LINC group: Ready to Retire—Now, Later, or Never?

After an organizing meeting in May (with 17 people attending) we decided to meet virtually on the second Tuesday of each month at 9:00 am CT. Our July 11 meeting included enjoyable and informative discussions ranging from travel stories (near and far) to de-cluttering methodologies and encouragement.

If you could be considering retirement—whether or not you will ever retire, this is the group for you. Join us to discuss options, plan our futures as coaches, and share ideas. Our next meeting will be on August 8 at 9:00 AM CT on Zoom.

If you would like to attend, please use the above link to register for this event, and complete the second step to get your ZOOM invitation. There is no cost for LINC groups.

Call for Nominations: 2024 ICF-North Texas Board of Directors

Nominations are open for the 2024 ICF-North Texas Board of Directors. The Nominating Committee—Tim Kincaid, 2023 Past-President, Kathleen Klaviter, former President, and Natalie Mendez, former Board Secretary—seeks to identify candidates to fill open positions.

The four open 2024 Board positions are:
     •    President-Elect
     •    Director of Alliances
     •    Director of Communications
     •    Director of Special Events

Candidates must be current members in good standing of our chapter. For the President-Elect position, candidates must have served for at least one year as a Director on the ICF-North Texas Board. For all other Director positions, our chapter’s strong preference is for candidates to have prior experience as a chapter volunteer and a chapter committee member.

Any member in good standing who wants to self-nominate or wishes to nominate someone else for considerations should complete this nomination form.

All recommendations or self-nominations are due by September 1, 2023.

Please contact Tim Kincaid at if you have any questions.

New Chapter Speakers Bureau

Would you like to overcome your fear of speaking? Are you looking for ways to increase your network and your business? Would you like to increase your visibility with various audiences through speaking engagements?

If any of these excite you, stay tuned for the announcement of our new Speakers Bureau at Celebrate Coaching event on September 8.

Member Snapshot - Laurie Goetz, ACC

This month, in our ongoing effort to help you know more about the caliber of coaches we have available right here in our chapter, we share a ‘snapshot’ of Laurie J. Goetz, who currently has her ACC and is working toward her PCC certification. Laurie is an independent coach who has not just one business, but two: Modern Professional Coaching and Talented Leadership Coaching.

Tell us about your professional coaching services. Laurie describes her offerings across these various types of coaching.
  •  Career, Corporate / Executive
  •  Internal / Organizational
  •  Leadership Development
  •  Small Business / Entrepreneur, and
  •  Team / Group
To have a strong foundation in her coaching services, Laurie has educated herself well. She holds an International Coaching Federation (ICF) Associate Certified Coach (ACC Credential), she is a Certified Consultant in Hogan Personality Assessments, she is a Certified Facilitator of Korn Ferry Voices 360 Feedback Assessments, Myers Briggs Personality Type (MBTI), and Leadership Presence “LeaderTalk.” Laurie is also known for her strengths learned in Coaching for H.R. Professionals Center for Creative Leadership skills.

How do you combine your gifts and skills to best serve clients? “I am a listener and a collaborator,” Laurie explains. “There is a lot to be gained by truly listening to someone when they talk. When I listen to my client’s story, I can learn more about where they are coming from, and collaborate with them to solve issues or find new ideas. My coaching goal is to help my clients turn their rich insights into ideas that lead to successful results.”

Our featured Coach explained that although all was going well with her first business, Talented Leadership Coaching, LLC, it became important to create a second business a couple of years ago when “my business partner and I realized how much we could help rising professionals and young leaders to thrive in their careers.” Laurie said, “That’s when we founded Modern Professional Coaching which demonstrates our belief that professional success begins with strong self-leadership and leadership in relationships.” She shared that as coaches, they work with leaders to strengthen the core components of self-leadership as well as leadership in the essential relationships for their career.

Can you share a favorite client story? Laurie revealed that helping someone reach their potential is extremely rewarding to her, and she shared this example. “I have worked with a young female executive for more than three years now, watching her rise in her organization from a staff position to Senior Director role. Although she once struggled with confidence and perspective, she is now a critical strategic leader for her company. This rising executive recently shared her performance review where her boss commented, "The work you've put into your coaching has really made a difference."

What does ICF do for you? “ICF-North Texas offers me ongoing professional education and development,” said Laurie, “so that I continue to grow as a coach. More importantly, our chapter has introduced me to many coaching colleagues who have grown to become friends.” She noted that these are professionals from many different backgrounds, with many different cultures and perspectives, and they have helped her to become a better coach. “It is important for my career and for my own fulfillment, to make time to be active in our ICF chapter.” She said, “It pays back ten-fold what I invest.”

Laurie added that she makes it a point to invest in a variety of ways because it adds so much to her coaching possibilities. Here are some ways she ‘gives back’ to the chapter:
  • Member of our chapter DEIBJ committee and trained to facilitate the Cultural Competency workshop for our chapter in August. Formerly, I was the ICF-North Texas Director of Membership (2019-2022), and volunteered for Celebrate Coaching from 2020-2023.
  • Co-facilitator the PCC LINC, helping to support Beth Cory and Mina Brown. These two expert coaches challenge our LINC participants to dig deep as we build our individual expertise. It is an incredible experience.
  • Participant of ICF Global Leadership Forum (GLF). Facilitated an international presentation for GLF in 2020. Locally, I've provided pro bono coaching for North Texas Food Bank.
Even if you’ve never had the chance to meet Laurie in person, we hope this snapshot gives you a glimpse of another member you’ll want to know better. Watch for Laurie and her co-presenters at the August meeting, and if you would like to reach out to Laurie, feel free to contact her at

Laurie and husband Dan hiking in Colorado

Laurie and family at a recent birthday dinner.

Get Involved

Celebrate Coaching (CC) Sponsorship Team needs an additional volunteer to serve as the point of contact. This volunteer will:
   •  Help respond to sponsor inquiries regarding their sponsorship purchase.
   •  Work with the Celebrate Coaching Sponsorship Team and help optimize Sponsors’ purchase experience.

Will require an average of 1-2 hours each week, August 1 through September 8. If interested, please contact Teresa Dabney, Director of Online Platforms by email at

The Communications Team is looking for our next team member to help us boost our communication and social presence with the newsletter. If you enjoy gathering information, and some writing and editing, and the chance to work alongside other communicators who manage content across our various platforms, this role will enhance your experience immensely! You will get to know more coaches and gain exposure to the breadth and depth of all that is offered through one of the strongest chapters in on the planet. Please contact Lizette Warner ( to learn more.

Join a LINC

Learn  Interact  Network  Connect

Members are welcome to join these new LINC groups:

- Business Building LINC
- Digital Marketing LINC
- ACC Credential Support LINC
- PCC Credential Support LINC
- MCC Credential Support LINC
- Internal Coaches LINC
- Ready to Retire - Now, Later, or Never? - New Group

Coming Soon:

- Virtual Book Discussion LINC, re-forming soon
- Team Coaching LINC, forming now
- Experienced Coach Mastermind type LINC, possible new LINC. Email Cheryl if interested.

If you are interested in learning more about the currently active LINC groups, contact Cheryl Close for more information
Upcoming Pro Bono Opportunities:
  • The Alliance team has been working hard to seek out opportunities for our members to work with diverse populations. As a result, we are in discussion with the Greater North Texas Hispanic Chamber of Commerce to provide pro bono coaching for some of their members who are creating startups and possible coaching the Board for the Chamber.
  • Pro Bono coaching currently enrolled Dallas ISD unsheltered young adults ages 8-21, who are attending an entrepreneurial program through a local university.
  • University of Dallas-Doctoral (DBA) Program, coaching doctoral students (3 sessions). NOTE: Coaches must hold a PhD, EdD or DBA to participate.
If you are interested in these, or any of our other pro bono opportunities, please complete this Google form now.

      Global News

Check Out These Global Resources

Thought Leadership: Remember our opportunity for thought leadership resource on the ICF global website. Here is an example. Logging our steps: An update on coaching research as we look around the bend at this link: (

Role of Technology in Future of Coaching: TLI Global Board Chair, Anna Gallotti, MCC, reflects on the significance of the role of technology in the future of coaching and evokes questions for the profession to consider. Standing at the crossroads of coaching and technology: A reflection at this link: The Future of Coaching.

Check out this Coaching Hub article:

The Women at Work Podcast from Harvard Business Review examines the struggles and successes of women in the workplace. Listening to the editor, Amy Gallo, and her guests share practical tips for listeners’ leadership challenges, offers inspiration for helping the female leaders you may coach. Typically, you can hear a live coaching session, which also distinguishes this podcast from other similar content. Women at Work Podcast

Thanks to Our Volunteers

Thank you to Teresa Dabney, our Director of Online Platforms, who streamlined our processes that help us plan Celebrate Coaching and deliver something really special each year for all our members. This is in addition to the many other tasks Teresa covers to keep our chapter experience so beneficial. We appreciate all you do and thank you for serving our chapter with your gifts.

Contact Information 


President  Staci Witten, PCC
President-elect  Steve Hendon, PCC 
Secretary  Sue Shibley
Treasurer   Elisabetta Mroski, ACC
Past President Tim Kincaid, PCC
Programs   Open Position
Alliances  Dara Rossi, ACC
Membership   Cheryl Close, MCC
Communications   Lizette Warner, PCC
Online Platforms  Teresa Dabney
Special Events  Sandra Knight, ACC


Our Mission

Our mission is to grow and develop a competent coaching community that drives results for coaches and those they serve. We do this by providing strong credentialed coaches, educational programs, and rich resources for internal and external coaches, and organizations and individuals seeking coaches. 

Our Vision

ICF-NT will be known as the leading resource for the coaching community and the organizations and individuals it serves by providing:
  • A collaborative network of credentialed coaches
  • Continuing education 
  • Impactful contributions to the coaching profession